Explore the Quest for Immortality – The Pioneers of Resurrection

The Mystics seeking eternal life through liquid nitrogen

KrioRus charges 36,000 dollars to cryonize an entire corpse or a half of that amount for the head. Cryonicists first drain the blood from the \”patient\” and then inject a solution that looks like antifreeze. The body is placed in a cooling chamber under KrioRus’s 2,000 square-foot hangar, located north of Moscow. It stays there for about a week. It is then immersed head-first in a dewar with double walls of liquid nitrogen. The body hangs there indefinitely, until scientists can figure out a way to revive it. KrioRus, which has been in business since 2004, has successfully cryopreserved 31 animals, including cats, goldfinches, and chinchillas. At least 487 other people have also signed up.

Riabinina believes that there may be a solution to reawaken her in five, 30 or 300 years.

Giuseppe Nucci, an Italian photographer, documents Riabinina’s story in -196 The Pioneers of Resurrection. His atmospheric, ethereal images capture with respect the Russian quest for immortality, where cosmists and cryonicists believe in an unending future. They wear high-tech suits and deep freeze the corpses they hope to see again.

Nucci: \”We’re all afraid of death.\” Nucci: \”The idea of humans defeating it one day is fascinating.\”



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