Explore the Science of Super Longevity With Dr. Morgan Levine

Dr. Morgan Levine
This is what I said in response to the comment:

\”…we will probably not solve death, and this shouldn’t actually be our goal.\” Well as nice as Dr Levine seems, thank goodness she does not lead the scientific community that is involved in rejuvenation.

Plasma dilution is the first bridge that looks to be available to everyone in a few years. The arthritis and back pain of people who have undergone this treatment has disappeared.

After epigenetic programming, treat the things that make you die in old age. And so on, bridge after bridge. If you are concerned about the future and people living as long they want, you should be allowed to age and die. It sounds cruel, but I believe it is meant to tell me that I must die because \”progress\” says we should. This idea that living more than 100 years is a terrible moral crime does not hold up.

The science can’t stop the aging process, but it might be able slow down our epigenetic clocks.

Up next, Michio Kaku: How to reverse aging > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV3XjqW_xgU

What if our biological clocks could be slowed down? Morgan Levine leads a team of researchers at Altos Labs. This question is the basis of much of her research.

Levine explores the intricacies and complexities of aging. She recognizes that it does not happen at a consistent pace for everyone. Her exploration revolves around the concept of epigenetics – the factors that affect gene activity without altering the DNA sequence. Levine’s research focuses on epigenetic changes that occur with age, such as DNA methylation. She also develops models, called \”epigenetic timers,\” that can be used for predicting biological age.

Levine acknowledges that it may be possible to reverse the aging process at a cellular scale, but clarifies that her ultimate goal is to improve health and delay disease rather than \”cure\” death or aging.

The difference between fast agers and slow agers.
1:25 The signs of aging
What is epigenetic clock 1:59?
3:05 Can we ‘Benjamin Button’ aging?
5:22 The Holy Grail for Scientists

Read the video transcript > https://bigthink.com/series/explain-it-like-im-smart/epigene…escription.



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