Exploring Robust Mouse Rejuvenation with Dr. Aubrey de Grey – An Interview with LEVF’s Founder

Aubrey de Grey on Robust Mouse Rejuvenation and LEVF

Aubrey de Grey, a pioneer in the field of longevity research, has promoted the idea of life-extension long before it was mainstream. De Grey’s contributions to geroscience were significant while he was with SENS Research Foundation. At the Longevity Summit Dublin in 2013, he announced his new creation, Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation.

Robust Mouse Rejuvenation is the long-awaited first major project funded by LEVF. The goal of this rolling research program is to extend the lifespan and mean lifespan of mice at least by 12 months using various combinations therapies that are started later in life. Four therapies were chosen for the first study: rapamycin (a senolytic), hematopoietic cell transplantation(HSCT), and telomerase. RMR was a groundbreaking experiment in any case, so we reached out Aubrey for a detailed discussion of both RMR AND LEVF.

Arkadi asks questions in bold font and Aubrey de Grey answers in normal font.


Aubrey de Grey on LEVF and Robust Mouse Rejuvenation


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