Exploring the Intelligence Supernova : The Future of Humanity & the Transcendence of Dimensionality

New book explores future scenarios of the Intelligence Supernova – What will that mean for humanity? Immortality or Oblivion: What Will That Mean for Humanity?

Now we are on a collision path with the most important event in our planet’s history, comparable only in importance to the emergence itself of life. This \”Novacene\”, or technologically mature, event will mark the maturity of the human-machine civilisation. We are going to inevitably surpass our biology and, more importantly, our dimensionality, by achieving what is called the Simulation Singularity.

The concept of technological singularity is well-known to most of us. These terms are often interchangeable, but the term ‘Intelligence Supernova,’ which is the convergence point of exponential technologies on a civilisational scale and the phase transition for humanity, as described in the book \”The Syntellect Emergence\”, has a slightly more specific meaning. This convergence point would be no less than Self Transcendence or engineered godhood.

In the coming decades, we will witness rapid changes that are so vast and fast-paced, they’ll be referred to as an Intelligence Supernova, which is of such astronomical importance. It would \”implode\” all human knowledge and \”transcend\” beyond the dimensions of the \”human\” world.



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