Exploring the Possibilities for Brain-on-a Chip: A Futuristic and Historical Perspective

Brain-on a chip: An overview of its development and future perspectives

The brain on a microchip for drug discovery

Many researchers have attempted to replicate the physiology human tissue using an engineered platform since the invention of organs-on-a chip. For brain tissue, the structural connections and cell interactions are key factors in brain function. Brain-on-a chip is a recent effort to mimic structural and functional aspects within a miniature engineered platform. From this perspective, we provide an overview of trace of brain-on-a-chip development, especially in terms of complexity and high-content/high-throughput screening capabilities, and future perspectives on more in vivo-like brain-on-a-chip development.

The underlying mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease progression and onset are still unknown despite decades of research by biologists and pharmaceutical firms. There is still a lot of work to be done to resolve these diseases. This is due to the absence of an in vitro model that can be used to study mechanisms and develop drugs. The in vivo model system is difficult to understand because of its complex tissue structure and cell-cell interaction.



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