Exploring the Possibility Of Human Immortality – A Costly And Horrific Proposition?

Humans could soon become immortal, but the cost may be horrifying. Would You Do It?
Will we be able do this? Or is it just a pipedream? There have been many articles written about what the future may hold, and the things we might be able do. However, not enough attention is paid to the obstacles we still need to overcome. How close is the brave new world we are about to enter? Forget all of the techno-babble and philosophy.

\”All the information a person gathers over a lifetime, is a mere drop in the bucket.\”

This sentence, taken from Ghost in the Shell (1995), perfectly captures the complexity and ambiguity that the human brain and mind possess. Our ignorance of what is inside our brains remains enormous and unyielding, despite huge advances. These drops and their relationship to the bucket are profoundly mysterious.

What exactly is \”a thought\” made of, and how do different parts of the mind communicate? What are the origins of our 86 billion brain neurons and where do they travel? Is consciousness, from a scientific perspective, a single entity, or is it the sum of trillions permutations? Is consciousness the sum or average of all those neurons firing?



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