Exploring the Science of Aging in 1931: The Wearing Out of the Machine and its Reproduction

What people thought about aging in 1931
What did scientists in 1931 think about the aging process? That’s right. The first biology textbook \”The Science of Life\” was published in 1931. I was able to obtain the first edition. I was so excited when i received the first edition. You can see that i was very excited. This textbook is composed of several books. I read book i, which i bought last year. I read it, and was delighted to discover that it is part of a massive ensemble. If my roman numerals were correct, there are 9 books. In the first book, \”The Living Body\”, H.G.Wells and Sir Julian Huxley, as well as G.P.Wells (H.G.’s son) discuss the body and its functions.

For the moment, it’s enough to know that all animals are curious and intricate combustion engines which eat their food by oxidation.

I first bought The Living Body, but then realized it was a part of a massive ensemble piece. I decided to read it. I was surprised that H.G.Wells did not only write non-fiction but also biology non-fiction. I was also surprised at how similar and dissimilar the views of 1931 were to those today.

How did they view human aging? In the last chapter, \”The Wearing Out of the Machine and its Reproduction\”, they discuss this.

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