Exploring the Syndrome of Concern: Cardio-Sarcopenia in Aging

Cardio-sarcopenia : A syndrome to be concerned about in the aging
In association with aging, cardiac alterations in the structure and function of the left ventricle have been studied intensively for decades. Recently, myocardial alterations that occur in conjunction with skeletal muscle changes have been studied in greater detail. Investigations into the cardio-sarcopenia (or cardio-sarcopenia) syndrome, which initially described alterations in myocardial structures among older adults who had skeletal muscle atrophy as a distinct syndrome, have sparked a renewed interest in this axis. This perspective aims to review the work of various human aging cohorts and summarize the background of this \”syndrome\” of concern. It also explores future directions and possibilities for understanding this syndrome.

Traditional views of cardiovascular aging are characterized by age-related heart adaptations, such as increased left ventricular mass (LVM) or LV hypertrophy. These changes often occur secondary to an increase in systolic pressure primarily mediated by arterial rigidity (1, 2). As these changes continue to accumulate, the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) such as heart failure and coronary artery diseases increases. CVD incidence increases with age. It rises from 78% for adults aged 60-79 to 90% for those over 80. Globally, CVD has become the most common cause of death and disease. Between 1990 and 2019, the prevalence of the disease doubled from 271 to 523 millions. In the same time period, incident CVD mortality increased by 12.1 million people to 18.6 millions. This accounted for 32 percent of all deaths. These numbers are expected increase as the population ages.



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