Fear and distrust of AI: Understanding Why Half of Americans Think It Poses a Threat to Humanity

More than half of Americans believe AI poses a threat to humanity

How AI is defined is a nebulous issue that is reflected in the poll and many of the headlines we read about AI on a regular basis. When we use the term \”AI\”, what do we mean? The term \”AI\” encompasses a wide range of technologies, from algorithms that recommend content on YouTube or Netflix to large-scale language models such as ChatGPT to models capable of designing complex protein structures to Siri, the Siri assistant that is built into most iPhones.

IBM defines AI as a \”field that combines computer science with robust datasets in order to solve problems.\” Google, on the other hand, describes it as a \”set of technologies\” which allows computers to perform advanced functions such as being able to read, understand, and translate written and spoken language, analyze data and make recommendations.

People’s fear and mistrust of AI could stem from a lack understanding and a focus on negative examples rather than positive ones. The AI which can design complex protein may be able to help scientists find stronger vaccines and drugs on an accelerated timescale.


More Than Half of Americans Think AI Poses a Threat to Humanity


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