Finland’s ‘Housing First Policy’: Ending Virtually Homelessness

Finland has virtually eliminated homelessness

Homelessness is often viewed as a problem in America and other parts of the globe, but Finland has found a solution that has virtually eliminated homelessness. I also believe that regenerative medicine, and many transhumanistic approaches in medicine would be able to help them stop aging or even repair their bodies if necessary. If we study the brain, we will be able to repair and discover genes in the entire body. With ethical approaches to a more culture relativistic approach, everyone could learn how to coexist. The problem of aging is still a curable one and will eventually be solved in extreme cases. With a better understanding of transhumanistic medicine, I believe it is possible to save everyone’s life.

Okay, the Finns do seem to be more generous, and they spend a lot of money on the homeless. In fact, no. Finns are just smarter.

They didn’t abandon the homeless; they provided them with housing. This led to a new insight: People tend to function more efficiently when they are not living under a bridge or on the streets. Who would have thought?

Finland’s homeless are better equipped to handle addictions, other problems and job applications when they have a home. More than a decade since the introduction of the \”Housing First\”, policy, Finland’s homelessness is doing well. They are still living in their housing, but they now pay the rent themselves.



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