Gene, Cell, and Organ Therapies for De-Aging: An Interview with George Church at the Longevity Summit Dublin

George Church: Fast-track treatments and COVID can reverse aging.
This week, all eyes will be on the Emerald Isle as the Longevity Summit Dublin brings a range of speakers to cover the entire spectrum of this booming industry. The delegates have heard from the top entrepreneurs, companies and investors in the field, as they discuss many of the most pressing issues affecting longevity. George Church, the Harvard professor of genetics and so-called father of genomics, will be closing the conference today with a speech on gene, cell, and organ therapies to de-age.

Longevity. Church is also a Harvard professor and heads the Wyss Institute’s synthetic biology department, overseeing development of new tools for regenerative medicine. Church’s focus has shifted to the development of gene therapy that targets age-related diseases. This passion led him co-found Rejuvenate bio, which aims to create \”full-age reversal\” gene therapies.

Dr Church is synonymous with genomics. He was a major contributor to the Human Genome Project, as well as technologies such next-generation fluorescent sequencing and nanopore sequences, which were aimed at understanding how genetics contribute to human diseases. He does not feel, however, that these initiatives have done much to advance the field of aging.


George Church: Learn from COVID and fast-track therapies that reverse aging


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