Google Quantum AI: Non-Abelian Anyon-Braiding Revolutionizes Quantum Computing

Google Quantum AI Braids Non-Abelian Anyons – A Breakthrough that Could Revolutionize Quantum Computing

Researchers at Google Quantum AI published a paper in Nature on May 11 stating that for the first ever, they used a superconducting processor to observe the strange behavior of non-Abelian Anyons. The researchers also showed how this phenomenon can be used for quantum computations. Quantinuum, a quantum computing company, released a study on this topic earlier this week to complement Google’s original discovery. These results provide a new route to topological quantum computing, where operations are performed by winding non Abelian anyons together like strings in a tangle.

Trond I. Andersen, a member of the Google Quantum AI Team and the first author of the paper, says: \”Observing for the first time the bizarre behavior non-Abelian Anyons really highlights the exciting phenomena that we can now access using quantum computers.\”

Imagine that you are shown two identical items and asked to close your eyelids. You see the exact same objects when you open your eyes again. How can you tell if the objects have been switched? The intuition says there’s no way to know if they are really identical.


Google Quantum AI Braids Non-Abelian Anyons – A Breakthrough That Could Revolutionize Quantum Computing


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