Guardian deletes fake news story declaring life extension impossible

Guardian Deletes Fake News on Life Extension

Did you know that life-extension is not possible? The Guardian’s sharp minds informed me that I was wrong. Before I gave up my career as a regenerative physician, I looked into how the Guardian had come to this conclusion. The revelations I made were so shocking that they reshaped my entire worldview and caused me to question everything I believed I knew. The media, despite the constant insistence that they are not lying, do lie a lot.

It’s not shocking at all. In fact, it is well known that the media are no strangers to the occasional lie. Let me recap the story for those who are unfamiliar. Recent research was done to determine if medical advances have increased human lifespans. Scientists used statistical models to remove causes of death that were not age-related from historical records, such as murder, childbirth, plague, etc., in order to determine the uninterrupted lifespan and whether it had increased over time. The study found that medical science has not yet been able to extend the human lifespan. Anyone in the longevity field knows that this is not a surprise, as none of our medical treatments currently address ageing. This study does not, however, conclude that life extension cannot be achieved.



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