Injectable cell therapy for osteoarthritis is a promising treatment. A solution to a global public health crisis

A new cell therapy that uses injectable cells could help treat osteoarthritis

Scientists at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine have developed a promising cell therapy that can be injected to treat osteoarthritis. This treatment reduces inflammation while also regenerating articular cartilage.

Osteoarthritis, recently identified as a public-health crisis by the Food and Drug Administration, affects over 520 millions people around the world who suffer from pain and inflammation. Osteoarthritis can be caused by mechanical or traumatizing stress to the joint. This leads to cartilage damage that is not repairable.

Johanna Bolander, lead author of the study at WFIRM, said that effective treatment is limited without a better understanding of what causes osteoarthritis. We first studied the processes that lead to osteoarthritis, compared them to functional environments and then used this information to create an immunotherapy cell therapy.



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