Is 80 Years Enough? Are 80 Years Really Enough?

Are you sure that eighty years is enough?

Some people think that 80 years is enough life, but do they really?

People often answer that they only want to live ten extra years over the average lifespan of their country. In a world in which aging is inevitable, people often wish for a little more time, hoping to be the exception. Even when they are told that these extra years will be spent in perfect health, most people choose the maximum lifespan of 120 years.

Why stop at 120? If rejuvenation treatments were available and you could remain healthy indefinitely, it would be understandable that you wouldn’t want to live a long life. Many life extension advocates have had conversations with people who believe that they will live for 80 years, regardless of their health. Worse yet, others don’t even care about their health because they feel that 80 years are enough.

It is up to each individual to decide how long they want to live. Just as no one has the right force others to live less than their current maximum life expectancy (as would be the case if a hypothetical ban was imposed on life-extension therapies), no person should have the power to force another to live more than 80 years if this is what he/she wants for whatever reason. It’s not about the right to choose when to die, but whether those who say that 80 years is enough have really thought it through or are just repeating what other people usually say because of social pressure.



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