Lucem Scores Big : Mayo Clinic born startup raises $7.7M to deploy AI platform in clinical settings

Mayo Clinic-born startup scores $7.7M in funding for its Clinical AI deployment platform
Over the last decade, AI has become more prevalent in the clinical setting. However, AI models have not yet reached the level of ubiquity they should within the industry.

A group of Mayo Clinic scientists recognized this problem a few years back. Health system researchers were producing an enormous amount of AI research in clinical contexts but they still had a difficult time deploying these AI models on a large scale.

This realization led to Lucem Health being created, a platform that deploys clinical AI solutions. The North Carolina-based startup launched in 2021 closed a $7.7m Series A funding last week.


Mayo Clinic-born Startup Scores $7.7M for Its Clinical AI Deployment Platform


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