Mark O’Connell’s top five books on transhumanism

Mark O’Connell’s five books on transhumanism

Our desire to transcend humanity is what defines us as humans. This dream is expressed in different ways by mythology, religion and fiction. Transhumanism, a social movement based on the belief we can and should abandon our biological condition through technology, is a feverish amalgamation. Although it is a future-oriented movement, fuelled by exciteable speculations about the implications and the latest technology, the roots of transhumanism can be seen in ancient stories such as that of Sumerian King Gilgamesh’s quest for immortality.

Will humans be able to conquer death by merging technology and humankind? The Wellcome Prize winner for 2018 shares his favorite books on transhumanism. From a cyborgManifesto to a Don DeLillo Novel.

Mark O’Connell



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