MIT researchers achieve record-breaking success in adult animals using CRISPR gene editing with nanoparticles.

Revolutionary CRISPR Gene Editing using Nanoparticles

The Best of 2017 (Looking back)

Summary: Nanotechnology meets gene editing. Researchers at MIT use nanoparticles to deliver CRISPR instead of viruses. This article was originally published on LongevityFacts. Brady Hartman is the author.

Scientists at MIT have developed nanoparticles to deliver the CRISPR system of gene editing, eliminating the use of viruses.

The gene editors used the new delivery method to remove genes from about 80 percent (or more) of the liver cells. This is the highest success rate achieved by CRISPR on adult animals. Daniel Anderson, senior researcher of the study, and associate professor at MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering spoke about the project’s success.


Revolutionary CRISPR Gene Editing with Nanoparticles


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