Mummies and the Evolutionary Medicine of Human Diseases Today

Evolutionary Medicine: Insights for Human Diseases Today
Evolutionary Medicine — Linking human pathology with our past, present, and future evolutionary trajectories — ideaXme ( welcomes Prof. Dr. Frank Ruhli, Director of the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zurich — #Ideaxme #EvolutionaryMedicine #Evolution #Microevolution #Paleopathology #BiologicalAnthropology #ComparativeAnatomy #Mummies #Mummy #Hypercholesterinemia #Diabetes #DrugAddiction #Health #Wellness #Regeneration #Longevity #Aging #IraPastor #Bioquark #Regenerage

Ira Pastor interviews Dr. Frank Ruhli. He is the Director of the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich and the Founding Director, Chairman, Full Professor of Evolutionary Medicine.

Ira Pastor Comments

In a 1973 article, Theodosius Dbzhansky – a prominent Russian-American evolutionary biologist and geneticist – stated that \”Nothing in biology makes any sense except when viewed in the context of evolution.\”

This principle can be applied to medical research. It suggests that by studying only the proximal cause of disease and health (pathophysiology), a limited picture is obtained. Such dynamics are better understood in an evolutionary framework.

The traditional biomedical field is often focused on pathophysiology. However, the relatively new science known as evolutionary medicine seeks to connect human pathology to our past, current, and future evolution.

The study of the proximal as well as distal causes behind medical disorders can help us gain a better understanding, which may improve how diseases are detected, treated or prevented.

Professor Dr. Frank Ruhli



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