Nanotechnology and the Development of Liquid Retinal Implants: Revolutionizing Sight

First liquid retina prosthesis: Nanotechnology in medicine.

The Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) conducted research that led to the development of a revolutionary artificial liquid retinal prothesis. This prosthesis is designed to counter the effects of diseases like retinitis Pigmentosa, age-related Macular Degeneration and other conditions that lead to progressive retinal degeneration. The study was published in Nature Nanotechnology.

The study represents a state-of-the art in retinal prothetics. It is an evolution of a planar artificial model of the retinal developed by the team in 2017. This model was based on organic semiconducting materials (Nature Materials, 16:681-689).

The \”second generation\” artificial retina will be biomimetic and offer high spatial resolution. It is made of a component of aqueous solution in which are suspended photoactive polymeric particles (whose size is about 350 nanometres or 1/100 the diameter of hair). This component will replace damaged photoreceptors.



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