New Technologies to Fight Aging: Latest Advances in Senolytic Drugs and Rapamycin. Stem Cell Therapy. NAD Supplementation. Gene Therapy.

Technology Revolutions to Combat Aging in our lifetime

Five technologies are in development, including stem cell therapy and NAD supplements, as well as senolytics drugs. These could slow down the aging process in the coming years. This report provides an update on the latest developments of these potentially life-extending treatments. This article was originally published on the LongevityFacts website. Brady Hartman is the author.

In recent years, the longevity science field made huge progress. Human trials of anti-aging substances have already begun, and more will begin in the near future. Mainstream medicine is paying attention to the lifespan-extension field of research.

Geroscientists are specialists in the field who develop technologies to benefit those who are still alive and are working to bring these to the clinic. The technologies that can extend life span include stem cell therapies, rapamycins, gene therapy and NAD supplements.


Revolutionary Technologies to Beat Aging in Our Lifetimes


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