Prepare for the Singularity in Human Longevity: Ushering in an Ageless Future

Welcoming an ageless future

Years ago, futurists tried to predict the moment in the future when we would finally reach the technological singularity. This is a breakthrough that will change the course of human history. Futureists are referring to the moment that super-human artificial intelligent becomes a reality. Or, to put it plainly — when computers are smarter than humans.

Centaura believes that the world must prepare for another singularity, one that could arrive before superhuman intelligence. This is the moment that humans will have the ability to reverse and slow down aging.

Vernor Vinge, a science fiction author, popularized the idea of singularity nearly thirty years ago. In his essay, The Coming Technological Singularity he declared that we would have the technology to create superhuman intelligence within thirty years. The human era would end shortly after.



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