Quantum Immortality – Is indefinite life extension our reality?

Quantum Immortality – Does Quantum Physics Imply that You Are Immortal

What are the other implications? You are actually going to live forever if you combine your subjective quantum immortality with the soon-to be discovered indefinite life-extension at civilizational levels. You can also find a solution to the ‘Teleporter’ or ‘Mind Uploading’ dilemma in Star Trek, where you are asked if, in these instances, you make a copy of your self but then kill yourself. According to the analogy of the previous discussions, your consciousness must \”migrate\” into your current self. This makes the case for successful conscious transfer in both disembodiment methods.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, in an illusionary Matrix universe, nothing is as it appears, you will live your entire life as a conscious evolving individual.

Alex Vikoulov is a futurist and digital philosopher.



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