RAADfest – A remarkable fusion of passion and pragmatism

The Anti-Aging Passion & Pragmatism: Finally, Effective Bedfellows

This is my first post since returning from RAADfest 3, a conference that was created by a group led by Jim Strole two years ago. I attend a great deal of conferences. I really mean it. Not least because outreach plays a major role in my crusade. This is my first editorial on the subject. You might wonder what makes this so special.

Well, RAADfest… is not your average conference. The organizers of the event, Strole and Bernadeane, have been leading a group called \”People Unlimited\” in Arizona for several decades. This group has a reputation, which I must say is well-deserved, of placing too much emphasis on the idea that, ”wherever there’s will, there’s way” when it comes to defeating aging. When they announced that they were planning to do more, there was a mixed reaction. I don’t remember how many biogerontologists with credentials declined to speak, but I do recall that only a handful accepted. Of those few, I believe only Michael Rose, the ever-fearless university professor, was one of them. Although I was happy to support this new initiative in my role as a lecturer, I was more hesitant to respond to Strole’s pleas to promote the event using my outreach channels.

But the doubters weren’t right–they were very wrong. The event was a great success in terms of attendance -Strole secured sponsorship from the Life Extension Foundation expecting a budget shortfall, but was able to return it, yes, you read correctly – and content. While the lack of scientists speakers made the event a bit light on science, the content was still coherent, inspiring, and informative.



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