Radhika Nagpal’s Journey in Biologically Inspired Engineering

The swarm: a guide to taming it
Radhika is a Harvard professor and a member of the core faculty at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. She is interested in collective behavior of biological systems, and how it can be used to improve computing and robots.

Radhika Nagpal, the Kavli professor of computer science at Harvard University is a core member of the Wyss Institute.
For Biologically Inspired Engineering. She is the leader of Harvard’s Self-organizing Systems Research Group and her research combine.
Computer science, robotics and biology. Her main interest is in how large groups can be programmed to cooperate.
Simple agents. Radhika Nagpal, a core faculty member at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, heads the Self-Organizing Systems Research Group. She studies collective behavior of biological systems as well as how these behaviors can be used in computing and robots. Professor at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, her research is inspired by social insects and multicellular biological systems. The goal of the project is to create global robust systems that are made up of multiple cooperative parts.

This talk was delivered at a TEDx conference, which is a TED-style event but organized independently by a local group.



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