Reimagining America’s Water Infrastructure: A Brighter Future

America’s water infrastructure needs to be fixed.

America’s water supply is threatened from multiple angles. The water is under threat from many sides, including pollution, outdated infrastructure, rising cost, and unprecedented droughts and rain patterns due to climate change. At a recent Columbia Water Center event, the mood was optimistic and focused on finding solutions.

Upmanu Lall of the Columbia Water Center suggested that \”if we have an aging infrastructure in disrepair and are dealing with climate change and variability, wouldn’t it be a good time to do something?\”

The U.S. was a leader for decades in the management of water. In the latest Infrastructure Report Card, drinking water, wastewater, and dams all received D grades. Lall, however, believes that the country can get an A. The solutions presented at the event could help us get there.



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