Rejuvenating Heart: Senolytics a Possible Solution for Regenerative Ability

Senolytics revitalize the regenerative ability of the heart

At the Longevity Leaders Conference earlier this year Professor Georgina E. Ellison-Hughes of King’s College London shared an insight into her research to establish the heart in adulthood as a self renewing organ with regenerative capability.

Longevity. Technology: The heart, which is considered to be a post-mitotic organ (one without regeneration capacity), is generally regarded as a non-regenerative organ. Senescent cells build up in the heart as we age, and they also do so in other organs and tissues. Ellison-Hughes has demonstrated that cellular senescence can impact the effectiveness of regenerative therapy, and senolytics may rejuvenate the heart’s ability to regenerate. We spoke to the professor for more information.

Cellular senescence, one of nine hallmarks associated with aging, is a condition that occurs when our cells stop reproducing and enter a zombie state. Cellular senescence occurs when cells stop reproducing, enter a zombie-like state and refuse to die. They then cause problems in our body. Ellison-Hughes, professor of regenerative muscles physiology at King’s University and co-author of the study published in Aging Cell in 2019, found that senescent heart cells inhibit regeneration.


Senolytics rejuvenate the regenerative capacity of the heart


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