Repair Biotechnologies Secures a $2.15M Seed Fund to Accelerate the Progress of Age-Related Medicine

Repair Biotechnologies Raises a $2.15M Seed Round

Repair Biotechnologies, a startup company that develops solutions for age-related immune system degeneration and heart disease, has some great news.

Repair Biotechnologies was founded in 2018 by Reason and Bill Cherman. As its name implies, it is a rejuvenation company that focuses on damage repair to combat aging. Recently, the company completed a round of seed funding. A total of $2.15m was invested in its coffers for research and development. Reason described the seed round in this way:

We are delighted to have the support from noted investors like Jim Mellon. These are the people that are currently providing the fuel and the publicity to ever faster progress within the longevity biotechnology sector.

We are very happy to have the support from important non-profit organisations such as the SENS Research Foundation. When it comes to accelerating the progress in this area, non-profit groups play an equally important role as venture capitalists: They are the ones that set the course and show the way for every new class of therapies.

Non-profit organizations are responsible for coordinating and financing research programs that have been overlooked in order to set up the necessary conditions to attract venture capitalists to revitalization biotechnology.



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