Researchers at CWRU Revolutionize Metastasis Therapy with Novel Technique

Researchers at CWRU block cancer from spreading to the body using a novel technique

Scientists at CWRU achieved a medical breakthrough by inhibiting metastasis – the spread of cancerous cells to other parts of the body. This article was originally published on LongevityFacts. Brady Hartman is the author.

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (CWRU) and six other institutions achieved a world-first victory by inhibiting the spread of cancerous cells from one area of the body into another.

The team used a novel epigenetic metastatic model to achieve this feat. Epigenetics, or master programming, is what turns genes on and of. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute and Cleveland Clinic were included in the group. Researchers published their findings in Nature Medicine.


CWRU researchers block cancer’s spread to body with novel technique


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