Revel Pharmaceuticals aims to reverse the effects of diabetes and aging by using designer enzymes.

Revel Pharma repairs collagen damaged by ageing and diabetes with designer enzymes

Yale Professors David Spiegel, Jason Crawford and their team have worked on tools that will enable the development of drugs to clear glucosepane for the last 10 years. Investors at Kizoo Technology Capital believe that now is the right time to move this groundbreaking research into the clinic. They are funding a new company founded by Drs. David Spiegel, Jason Crawford and Aaron Cravens.

Michael Antonov, co-founder of Oculus, is also involved in the Revel seed funding round. SENS Research Foundation funded the YaleGlycoSENS team for many years.

Blood sugar and other highly-reactive molecules are constantly exposed to the long-lived proteins of collagen that provide structure to arteries, skin and other tissues. These sugar molecules can bind to the collagen, forming toxic crosslinks which alter tissue properties and cause inflammation. The result is that tissues stiffen over time, causing a rise in systolic pressure, skin ageing, kidney damage and an increased risk of strokes and other brain damage.



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