Reversing the clock: A promising technology to combat age-related diseases

Turn Biotechnologies’ technology for developing therapies against age-related diseases shows promise, according to research

Vittorio Sebastiao, senior author and assistant professor of Stanford University’s Nature Communications article, said: \”We wondered if we could simply turn back the clock on aging without inducing pluripotentity.\” We’ve discovered that restricting the exposure of these proteins to multiple cell types in humans, including stem cells, can promote rejuvenation. This is a major breakthrough in the regeneration of cells and restores functionality to aged tissues.

Turn Biotechnologies is developing technology to treat age-related conditions. A study published by the respected Nature Communications journal confirms this.

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine discovered that an old cell population can be rejuvenated by a treatment that activates a limited expression of Yamanaka factors. These proteins are essential for embryonic development.



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