Reversing the Process of Aging: Exploring the Possibilities of Cellular Reprogramming

Reversal of Aging

The aging process is complex and inevitable. It affects every organism. It is also associated with tissue dysfunction and susceptibility to diseases. It is difficult to develop strategies such as cellular reprogramming that will increase the length of healthy life, and promote healthy aging because the mechanisms of aging are not well understood. The hallmarks of ageing include epigenetic changes, genomic instability and cellular senescence.

Healthy aging and pathological ageing are the two main phases of aging. Healthy aging occurs when minor changes are made, while pathological aging is when clinical diseases and disabilities take over along with impairments of physiological functions.

Longevity. Technology: Previously, there were notions that cells undergo a unidirectional process of differentiation during development [3]. In recent years, however, cellular reprogramming with transcription factors has emerged to be an important strategy in rejuvenating aging cells. It erases markers of cell damage, and restores epigenetic markers. These transcription factors, also known as Yamanaka Factors, include Oct4, Klf4, Sox2, and c Myc (OSKM). These transcription factors can transform terminally differentiated cells into pluripotent cells that can divide into any type of cell in the body. This can improve health and lifespan.


Reversal of aging by partial cellular reprogramming


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