Revitalizing the Aging Epigenome: A Fountain of Youth For Bone Marrow stem cells

Stem cells of bone marrow can rejuvenate aged stem cells

As we age our bones thin out, we are more prone to fractures, and we develop bone diseases such as osteoporosis. The impaired function of bone-marrow cells is one of the factors that contribute to the loss of bone strength. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, and CECAD Cluster of Excellence for Ageing Research in Cologne have shown that stem cell function is reduced with age due to epigenome changes. The researchers were able reverse the changes in stem cells isolated by adding acetate. This epigenome fountain of youth could be important in the treatment of diseases like osteoporosis.

For some time, researchers have looked at epigenetics to explain aging. The epigenetics examines changes to genetic information or chromosomes, which do not affect the sequence of genes but can alter their activity. Changes in histones proteins, which are used to package DNA and control access to it in our cells, could be one possibility. Peter Tessarz’s Cologne-based research group has studied the epigenomes of mesenchymal cells. These stem cells can be found in the bone marrow. They can produce different types of cells, such as cartilage and bone cells.



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