Rewinding the clock: A revolutionary approach to regenerative medicine

New technique can rewind the age of skin by 30 years

The Babraham Institute’s research has developed a way to ‘time-jump’ human skin cell ageing by 30 years. This method allows cells to retain their special function without losing any of their youthfulness. Researchers in the Institute’s Epigenetics Research Programme have been able restore some of the function of older skin cells and rejuvenate the molecular measurements of biological age. This research was published in the journal eLife today and although it is still at an exploratory stage, could revolutionize regenerative medicine.

What is regenerative Medicine?

As we age, the ability of our cells to function decreases. The genome also accumulates signs of ageing. Regenerative biology is a way to replace or repair cells, including those that are old. Our ability to create \”induced\” stem cells is one of the most powerful tools in regenerative medicine. This process involves several steps that each remove some of the markers that differentiate cells. The stem cells can theoretically become any type of cell. However, scientists have not yet been able to recreate conditions that will allow stem cells to differentiate into different cell types.



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