Robert J. Sawyer explores Oppenheimer, The Oppenheimer Alternative and Oppenheimer with Robert J. Sawyer

Oppenheimer — Robert J. Sawyer
Science Fiction author Robert J. Sawyer discusses Oppenheimer, and his Alternate History Book: The Oppenheimer Alternative.

Where can I find \”The Oppenheimer Alternative book\”?
Robert J. Sawyer’s website:

* The Trinity moment — AI and nuclear.
* \”Now I have become Death, the destroyer worlds\”
The Jewish connection with the Manhattan Project and the Nazi Nuclear Program
* Japan is nuked.
* Oppenheimer personality.
* Nuclear is a double-edged sword. Existential threat of a nuclear Holocaust
Thermonuclear – the rivalry between Edward Teller and Edward Teller
* Alternate history — The end of the World by 2030
* Military-driven science vs. scientifically driven science
* Space nuclear energy
The Orion Project — Nuclear Impales Propulsion
* The controversy surrounding Wernher Von Braun
Science fiction plays a major role in the world.

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