Scientists Reverse Aging: They Reset the Cellular Age from a 114-Year Old Woman

Scientists have’reset’ the cellular age of cells taken from a 114-year-old woman

Scientists have for the first time reprogrammed stem cells (iPS) from cells of a woman aged 114 into induced pluripotent cells. They describe this as an important step in understanding \”the mechanisms underlying extreme longevity and resistance to disease.\”

iPS (induced pluripotent stem cells) are adult cells which have been genetically reprogrammed to resemble embryonic stem cells. They can give rise to all the specialized cells of the body including neurons, blood or heart cells.

Researchers were not even sure if they could produce viable iPS stem cells from a supercentenarian, much less someone who was so old. Researchers believe that now they’ve shown it is possible to make these aged pluripotent stem cells look like young cells, they may have taken a step in reversing cellular aging.



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