Sergey Young Launches a $100M Longevity Vision Fund for Healthy Lifespans

XPrize board members raise $100M to combat aging

Longevity Vision Fund is now out of stealth mode with plans to invest 100 million dollars in startups that aim to increase healthy lifespans. The fund is connected to the founders of XPrize and will invest $100 million in biotechs, longevity startups, and other companies around the globe.

Sergey Young, founder of Longevity Vision unveiled the fund this week at an event held in London. Young is the founder of Peak State Ventures, and a member of the innovation board at XPrize Foundation. The nonprofit runs competitions that encourage advances in various fields such as suborbital flight.

Young and his Peak State colleagues invest in areas outside of longevity such as education and property. Young, however, has established a foothold within the longevity sector. He is now a development sponsor for Longevity XPrize as well as a partner in Bold Capital Partners.



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