Submission of a Grant Proposal to SENS Research Foundation : The De Grey search for Researchers Working on Longevity

Submitting a Grant Proposal
The De Grey is looking for researchers who have worked on longevity… r.p.berry & AEWR.

We appreciate your interest in submitting an application for funding from SENS Research Foundation. We fund projects primarily by identifying the research priorities with our Chief Scientist Officer (CSO) and then approaching relevant experts directly or, if necessary, generating Requests for Proposals (RFPs).

However, we do accept letters of intent from interested parties to submit new grant proposals for projects that specifically fall within our research mission. The letter should specify the SENS target that the proposal is referring to and explain how it will progress the development of therapies that will remove, repair or replace that target.

Our Research Development Committee (RDC) selects and reviews all research projects on a regular basis. The decisions of the RDC are then ratified by the Board of Directors. The RDC meets twice a year, at the end the first and third quarters of each calendar year.


Submit a Grant Proposal


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