The 2019 Undoing Aging Conference Keynote speaker is Dr. Nir B Barzilai.

Dr. Nir Bzilai from Albert Einstein College of Medicine will be speaking at the 2019 Undoing Aging Conference.

Dr. Barzilai, a professor of medicine and genetics with a chaired position, is the Director of the largest Center in the World to Study the Biology of Aging.

\”Nir will be our keynote speaker for this year, because, quite frankly, if I had only given him a half-hour, there was no way that he could have done justice to his contribution to our movement. He has been a world leader in science for decades. But in recent years, he’s done much more. He has played a major role in two rejuvenation startups and has used his political skills to forge new understandings among the biomedical gerontology community and regulator communities. Aubrey de Grey says, \”Plus, he is almost as entertaining as I am as a speaker.\”



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