The Age-Specific Treatment Resistance of ER+/HER2- Breast Cancer

Breast cancer and age: Early mutations predict patient outcomes

Sanford Burnham Prebys researchers have conducted a study that found certain genetic mutations in young women are associated with treatment resistant breast cancer. The mutations in question are not associated with treatment-resistant cancer in older women. These findings, which were published in Science Advances journal, could improve precision medicine, and suggest a new way to classify breast cancer.

It’s well-established that cancer is more common as we age. We’re discovering that this is not true for all types of cancers, depending on the genetic makeup of a person,\” said Svasti Haricharan Ph.D. a senior author and assistant professor at Sanford Burnham Prebys. There may be different mechanisms that drive cancer in older and younger people. This requires us to adjust our view of cancer and aging.

Research primarily focused on ER+/HER2-breast carcinoma, one of the most common types of breast cancer. The treatment is usually hormonal therapy, but some patients do not respond to it. Around 20% of tumors are resistant to treatment right from the start, and up 40% become resistant over time.



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