The Dangers of AI – Should We Stop Development for the Good of Humanity?

Should We Stop Developing Artificial Intelligence For The Good Of Humanity
Nearly 30,000 people signed a petition asking for an \”immediate stop\” in the development of artificial intelligence systems. It’s interesting to note that they are not Luddites who dislike technology. The petition includes names such as Elon Musk (CEO of SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter), Steve Wozniak from Apple, Tesla CEO Elon, and Turing Prize-winning Yoshua Bengio.

Geoffrey Hinton is another person who has spoken out against the dangers of AI. He was interviewed by the BBC in a recent interview to mark his retirement at Google. At the age of 75 he said that we should be concerned about how fast AI is getting smarter.

Steve Wozniak, Elon Musk and other high-profile technologists are calling for a stop to the development of AI due to concerns that it could cause harm, either intentionally or unintentionally. Are we unable to implement adequate safeguards because of the rapid pace of AI development?



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