The Dangers Of Transhumanism : Examining The Fundamental Ambition Of An Emerging Movement

Who is afraid of transhumanism today? We all should be.

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The fundamental transhumanist ambition is much more problematic. The architects of transhumanism advocate a radical use of technology that would accelerate humanity’s evolution to the point where humanity itself would vanish at the end. A posthuman superior being would emerge. Wikipedia states that \”Transhumanism\” is an intellectual and cultural movement which affirms the possibility of improving the human condition by applying reason. This includes developing and making widely accessible knowledge in order to eliminate aging, as well as greatly enhancing human intellectual, physical and psychological capabilities.

Transhumanism has always had as one of its goals the abolition human death and old age.

Max More and David Pearce are two of the philosophers who have developed eloquent excuses for the transhumanist creed. They also reveal the more ominous philosophical themes of the movement.



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