The development of flexible sensors using a new self-healing conductive hydrogel

The use of a self-healing conductive hydrogel to create flexible sensors

Recent advances in electronics have allowed for the creation of increasingly sophisticated and smaller devices. These include wearable technologies, medical implants and soft robots. These technologies are mostly based on stretchy material with electronic properties.

Many of the flexible materials developed by material scientists are fragile and easily damaged. Damage to materials may result in failure and compromise the overall functionality of the system in which they are used. This can make several soft and conductive material unreliable, and therefore unsuitable for large scale implementations.

Researchers from Harbin University Science and Technology, China, have developed a new self-healing conductive hydrogel. This material could be used for flexible sensors in wearables and robots. The Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices published a description of this material and its composition.


A Conductive Self-Healing Hydrogel to Create Flexible Sensors


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