The DGfA Ageing Conference: Exploring Age-Related Diseases & Therapeutic Options

James Peyer and the DGfA Ageing Conference

Victor Bjork is a biologist, and a member of the LEAF Team. He has written a report on a recent conference in Germany that he attended. Victor Bjork is a well-traveled writer who has attended many shows, conferences, and events in Europe. Victor interviews James Peyer, an early stage life science investor who focuses on translating research into age-related diseases.

The Annual Aging Research Conference

On December 1-2, 2017, I attended the annual DGfA Conference at the Max Planck Institute for Aging Research located in Cologne. The German Association for Aging Research, a non-profit, interdisciplinary organization with its headquarters in Nurnberg, organized the event. It was founded in 1990 and conducts research into aging. This includes research to develop therapeutic options for treating age-related diseases.



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