The \”Don’t look up\” Approach to AI – Denial, Mockery and Resignation

The AI ‘Don’t look up’ thinking that could doom us
Imagine a large asteroid was discovered and it was revealed that the majority of astronomers believed that at least 10% of them thought it would cause human extinction. This is similar to how a similar asteroid wiped out dinosaurs 66 million year ago. We have a long tradition of thinking about the threat and how to deal with it. From scientific conferences to Hollywood blockbusters. You might expect that humanity would shift into high gear to launch a deflection to steer this in a safe direction.

I feel like we are living \”Don’t Look Up\” in the face of another existential danger: superintelligence that is not aligned. Soon, we may have to share the planet with \”minds\” more intelligent than ourselves that don’t care about us as much as they care about mammoths. Recent survey shows that AI has a 10% chance to cause human extinction. You might think that since we’ve been thinking about this issue for so long, and have tried to find solutions, including scientific conferences and Hollywood blockbusters to combat it, humanity would be in high gear to guide AI into a more controlled direction. Instead, most of the responses were a mixture of denial and mockery. It was so darkly funny that it deserved an Oscar.

Read more: AI Threats and the Only Way to Address Them



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