The End of Age-Related Diseases Panel 2018: Translating Aging research: Exploring progress and challenges

Translation of Aging Research: Ending Age-Related Diseases Panel
We have a new video today from the Ending Age Related Diseases 2018 Conference, which took place earlier this year in New York City at Cooper Union. The conference aimed to bring together the worlds research and investment in order to explore the progress made and the challenges faced by the industry in developing and financing therapies to end age related disease.

The second panel was held during the conference. It featured Dr. Aubrey de Grey from the SENS Research Foundation as well as Keith Comito, Dr. James Peyer, of Apollo Ventures and Dr. Mark Hammond, of Deep Science Ventures. Joe Betts Lacroix, of Y Combinator, Vium and Y Combinator, Dr. Oliver Medvedik, of The Cooper Union and ScienceVest, and Ramphis Castro, of ScienceVest.



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