The following are some of the reasons why you should consider hiring someone else\n\nMark Superhero Copycat’s Shameless Cheating by Zuckerberg in the AI Era

Mark \”Superhero Copycat\” Zuckerberg
It would be a major step forward to have a world free of Facebook and its negative effects. Facebook’s dominance has been linked to issues like privacy breaches, misinformation and the erosion real social connections. We can create a more healthy online environment by breaking away from Facebook. This will prioritize privacy, real interactions, and reliable data. It’s time to imagine a world in which social media platforms are catalysts for positive changes, encouraging authentic communication and meaningful relationships among individuals.

(Image credit: Adobe Stock)

Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook and Meta (now Meta), celebrated recently reaching 100 million users with his new Twitter-like Platform called Threads. This achievement does not impress me at all. It highlights Zuckerberg’s tendency to copy rather than innovate.

Although I used to be a fan, I’ve come to realize that he is not in the same league with my real idols. It is absurd to compare the 100,000,000 sign-ups of ChatGPT with the 100,000,000 Threads users.

Mark was in his garden, with billions, but he called only a few people to try out his new toy. It’s as if he invited them to a cocktail. Under these circumstances, it’s easy to raise $100 million or more within a very short period of time.

ChatGPT was a completely new product when it was first released. Mark, don’t forget this. So don’t boast about it. This is not an achievement!

Claiming superiority due to the power of Facebook (Meta), however, is quite another. It is disappointing to see someone of such influence resorting to blatant plagiarism. Mark, your arrogance and lack of originality should make you ashamed.

Maybe Zuckerberg’s action is due to the pressure from investors who expected an innovative Metaverse, but got a playground instead. This has been a total disaster that exposes his own mediocrity. Mark, your potential was great, but you fell short.

I used to be your fan, but I now wonder if you have always behaved this way. Elon Musk, in my humble opinion gives you more credit than you deserve. Elon Musk is not without flaws but he is a genius who is more creative than anyone could aspire.

Elon said it best, \”Competition can be fine but cheating cannot.\” You, Mark, are a shameless cheater. Do you feel remorse at all? Mark, you’re right. There’s no place for regret in business. Wink

There are always those who try to be the best in business. They think that they are better than everyone else. Mark, the world has changed since 2004 when you first appeared and smashed MySpace’s dominance with something not particularly innovative. Facebook was a big thing, but never really became a phenomenon. Instagram’s \”Threads\”, which are similar to Facebook’s \”Likes\”, won’t make a difference either.

Why not retreat into your \”metaverse\”, and give the rest of the world some breathing room? Play in your own sandbox, and let the rest of the world flourish.

Artificial Intelligence is only just starting to crawl after years of crawling. The world must evolve quickly to keep up with it. This new era needs creative and innovative people!

In the rapidly evolving era of Artificial intelligence, where possibilities are expanding at a pace unprecedented, it’s crucial to cultivate a community of innovative and creative individuals who can harness this technology. We are witnessing AI take its first steps in transforming industries and aspects of life. It is clear that we can only navigate this new era by embracing innovation, creative thinking and constant evolution. We can create a world where AI will enhance our lives in ways that we cannot imagine by embracing creativity and innovation. Let’s embark together on this journey of exploration, pushing the limits of what is possible, and creating a better future for everyone.

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