The Impact of Longevity and Social Security on the Pension Crisis

The Future of Pensions Article

Editor’s note: The U.S. Transhumanist Party presents this article written by Nicola Bagala & Michael Nuschke from the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation, originally published on their site on 15th May 2019. The article addresses and responds concerns about the impact of increased longevity on the pension system, a potential result of the U.S. Transhumanist Party’s mission to end age-related disease, which we support as part of policy goals.

Brent Reitze Director of Publication United States Transhumanist Party June 15th 2019

You may have nightmares about pensioners who are begging for money that you can’t pay. You beg for forgiveness, begging for mercy as you toss and turn in bed. There are just too many elderly people who need pensions, and not enough people young enough who can cover it with their contributions. The money is just not there for a social insurance system that was created in the 1930s when no one expected that people would live into their 80s or 90s. Your oneiric persecutors will not listen. They gave the country their best years and it is time to give them what they deserve.



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