The latest update to Wolfram’s AI software unlocks genius-level AI

Wolfram’s new update gives developers genius-level generative AI
Wolfram, which was one of the very first plugins for ChatGPT to be released, has now jumped on board the LLM bandwagon. The latest update to the Wolfram Language, version 13.3, has added support for LLM and integrated an AI model in the Wolfram Cloud.

The update follows Wolfram’s gradual development of the tools to make the language LLM ready. This update introduces an LLM language subsystem that integrates LLMs into the language. The update builds on the LLM function technology that was added in May. This technology ‘packages AI power into a callable feature’. Now, the subsystem is user-addressable.

These updates give developers a new way to interact with data. This approach combines Stephen Wolfram’s idea of symbolic programming with Wolfram’s natural language programming to create a powerful force. The Wolfram language API allows this to be integrated into larger systems and deliver amazing power via a natural-language interface.


Wolfram’s New Update Gives Developers Genius-level Generative AI


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