The link between telomere length and structural changes in the brain has been revealed

The brain’s structural changes are linked to cellular aging

Telomeres protect our chromosomes from damage and are a key factor in aging. Higher stress levels may contribute to a shorter telomere. Telomeres that are shorter can be associated with chronic disease. New research shows that changes in telomere length are reflected in the brain structure. The association was discovered by a group of scientists, including Lara Puhlmann from the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive Brain Sciences and Pascal Vrticka of the University of California with Elissa epel and Tania Singer of the Social Neuroscience Lab of Berlin. This study is part of Singer’s ReSource Project.

Telomeres, protective caps on the ends of chromosomes, become shorter each time a cell divides. They can become so short, that they could damage the genes they are protecting. The cell will stop dividing. The cell becomes increasingly incapable of performing its functions. This is one way we age.

The length of the telomeres is therefore considered a marker to determine a person’s biological age, as opposed to their chronological age. The person with shorter Telomeres is at a higher risk of age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. They may even have a shorter lifespan.



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